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Getting better results from your salespeople

Common frustrations we hear from MDs in relation to their salespeople are:

  • They don’t prospect consistently leading to weak pipelines, so you have to spend money on other lead generation activities.
  • Some of the team think they are doing a good job but are actually complacent, relying on incoming enquiries or good accounts.
  • They work really hard, invest lots of time and effort into opportunities but don’t convert bigger opportunities or give away margin.
  • Great people but they try to please prospects, are treated as salespeople not trusted advisors so come across the same as everyone else.
  • Field sales is expensive and problematic, should we build up our inside sales team?
  • They are eternal optimists, don’t rigorously qualify opportunities, either wasting time with the wrong people or give you grossly optimistic forecasts.

Join us at our next session if you are frustrated by these types of issues and are open-minded to being challenged on what you could do differently to get different results from your sales people and grow your bottom line. Only open to MD’s of companies with sales teams.

Client Results

  • Retained their best salespeople for longer
  • Quadrupled turnover with 10X growth in new clients
  • Save £10,000’s per year by not pursuing the wrong opportunities
  • 20-35% annual growth
  • Increased close rates to 70%, without compromising on margin
  • Growing a customer base from 15 - 1,300 in two years
  • Increased sales of 32%, profit up 100% & hiring better talent
  • Saved thousands in recruitment costs by improving recruitment process and screening

Upcoming events

April 25th 2018 | 09:30 - 11:30 GMT


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With a proven track record of helping entrepreneurial businesses increase their top line revenue and bottom line profit, the session will demonstrate a variety of techniques, attitudes and behaviours that empower those responsible for achieving growth to succeed. Join us for an informative session on how top companies achieve new levels of success. You will also get the chance to hear from other businesses and get great ideas from those also committed to improving and growing their businesses.

Creating a sales driven organisation

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